Start Using the Best SEO Tool

Are you looking for a tool that will help you manage your on-page SEO? Do you want to start using the best SEO tool to help manage your title tags and meta descriptions? Well, Taggers Eye is the tool you need…

If you’ve been looking at the SEO of your website you probably already know that your title tags are hugely important. You want to make sure that they contain your target keywords- as this is the first thing that a search engine bot looks at. But, did you know that your meta descriptions are also important?

Although title tags are not a ranking factor, your click through rate is. The better your click through rate for a keyword, the higher you will rank for that keyword. One thing that you can edit to improve your click through rate is your meta description. So, you now have two key factors that can have a positive impact on your SEO and you’re looking for the best SEO tool to help you manage them- Taggers Eye is that tool.

Taggers Eye allows you to quickly and easily upload the urls of the site that you want to work on, it then quickly gives you an overview of the keywords your page is currently targeting and helps you decide on how to improve your title tag and meta description by showing you what your page currently looks like on the SERPs (search engine result pages), google suggest ideas, the top ten search results for your targeted keyword and what the current page looks like so you can check the current content.

Seeing this all in one place allows you to quickly see how your page is currently targeted and where you need it to be. You can look at your competitors and take ideas from what they are doing, you can rewrite your title and description and actually see what it will look like and you can check your content to ensure your description is a good reflection to increase click through rate.

Once you’re done just move on the next url and use the best SEO tool to improve the title tag and meta description of that page too. When you have worked through all of the urls just export your work and then you can easily update the title tags and meta descriptions of each page.

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