Start Using the best SEO optimization software today

Do you want to start using an SEO optimization software so that you can improve the title tags and meta descriptions of every page of your website? Taggers Eye is the SEO optimization tool for you.

If you’ve been looking at your sites SEO then you might know that your title tag is important. This is the first element that search engines look at, essentially it is the first hint to them what the page is about, so it’s important that your title tag contains your chosen keywords.

However, did you also know that your meta description is also important? You’re probably aware that this isn’t a ranking factor, so why put any effort in to it? Right? Wrong! Did you know that click through rate is important? And one element you can change to improve your click through rate is your meta description- so you’re going to want to make sure it’s good.

That’s why Taggers Eye is the SEO optimization software for you! Taggers eye is an SEO optimization tool that allows you to quickly and easily optimise your SEO by arranging elements to see how your site is currently optimised and helps you decide where to make improvements.

So, how does Taggers Eye work? Simply upload the urls of the website that you want to work on and then taggers eye will look at either your current title tag or h1 of the page- depending on your choice. From that it will create a page where you can edit your title tag and description, you can see what your page looks like in the search engine result pages (SERPs), google suggests for ideas, what the current content of the page is and then also what the top ten results for the target keyword- which is great for seeing what other people are doing so you can get an idea of your competition.

Work on the current page, make sure the title tag contains your target keyword and that your description entices people to click through to find out more. Once you’re done just move on the next url and use Taggers Eye to improve the title tag and meta description of that page too. When you have worked through all of the urls just export your work and then you can easily update the title tags and meta descriptions of each page.

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