Are you Looking for an Affordable SEO Software?

You want to SEO your site and you need some help doing it, but SEO software is just so expensive! Wouldn’t it be nice to find some affordable SEO software? We have it! It’s called Taggers Eye.

Taggers Eye is an on-page SEO tool that allows you to quickly and easily amend the title tags and meta descriptions of your site. If you’re looking at your sites SEO then you probably already know that your title tag is important. This is the first element that search engines look at and it helps them to understand what that page is about. So, your title tag needs to contain your target keywords.

But, did you know that your meta description is also important? You’re probably aware that this isn’t a ranking factor, so why put any effort in to it? Right? Wrong! Rand Fishkin, from SEOMoz, did a study on click through rate where he asked his followers to search for his blog with a chosen keyword. After the study it went from position 8 to 1 for the keyword- so it’s important. And one element you can change to improve your click through rate is your meta description- so you’re going to want to make sure it’s good. And wouldn’t it be great to have some affordable SEO software to help you with this?

So just how does Taggers Eye work to help with this? Simply upload the urls of the site that you want to work on, it then quickly gives you an overview of the keywords your page is currently targeting. It then helps you decide on how to improve your title tag and meta description by showing you what your page currently looks like on the SERPs (search engine result pages), google suggest ideas to help you think of the right keyword for each page, the top ten search results for your targeted keyword and what the current page looks like so you can check the content as it stands.

Work through your site, page by page, editing your title tags and descriptions from Taggers Eye based on the information it is giving you and, of course, your chosen keywords for each page.

Taggers Eye is not an expensive SEO software, it is affordable, easy to use and makes the laborious task of improving your on-page SEO so much easier!

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